So your dentist has delivered some tragic news: You need a root canal. You probably knew this was coming. The toothache has been hurting more, along with the sensitivity to temperature and the pain when …
Is a Crown Necessary After a Root Canal?

Writing about Dentistry and Oral Health
So your dentist has delivered some tragic news: You need a root canal. You probably knew this was coming. The toothache has been hurting more, along with the sensitivity to temperature and the pain when …
Full dental crowns, inlays, and onlays (partial crowns) are often the last, best option for saving your natural teeth when tooth decay, attrition, or a crack in the tooth’s surface is significant. Too many people, …
When it comes to replacing missing teeth, you’ll generally hear about three options: implants, bridges, or dentures. Depending on your circumstances, one or the other might be more appropriate for you. The best option is …
We’ve all been there. We’re having a pleasant chat with a friend or co-worker when suddenly it hits us. The breath. Oh, that breath. When did Godzilla enter the conversation? We take a step back. …
We are fortunate to live in a time when dentists have easy access to safe and effective local anesthesia. Just try to imagine a root canal without it! In the old days, people used whatever …
When the pain is excruciating enough, people will do almost anything to make it stop—as we all know from watching television. They’ll reveal the location of the hidden treasure. They’ll confess to a crime they …
People avoid the dentist for a number of reasons: they’re anxious that they might need treatment and they’re afraid it will hurt; they have a fear of needles, dental drills, probes, gag reflex, or x-rays; …
Fluoride is an anion of the element fluorine. If flashing back to high school chemistry class gives you nightmares, just keep in mind that fluoride is found naturally in fresh water, salt water, and rain …
I’ll never stop talking about how important it is that you brush your teeth and floss and practice overall excellent oral hygiene. But I also have to admit that it’s not enough. No matter how …
There are two words nobody wants to hear their dentist say: root canal. In the context of your tooth’s anatomy, a root canal is simply the innermost portion of a tooth’s root, the chamber that …