We’ve all been there. We’re having a pleasant chat with a friend or co-worker when suddenly it hits us. The breath. Oh, that breath. When did Godzilla enter the conversation? We take a step back. …
How Do You Tell Someone They Have Bad Breath?

Writing about Dentistry and Oral Health
We’ve all been there. We’re having a pleasant chat with a friend or co-worker when suddenly it hits us. The breath. Oh, that breath. When did Godzilla enter the conversation? We take a step back. …
We get it. We’re all tired of wearing masks. We want to breathe free and let the sun caress our cheeks. We want to eat popcorn in a crowded theater. We want to see your …
Brushing your teeth is the most important thing you can do to keep your teeth and gums clean, healthy, and free of cavities and disease—and that makes it one of the most important things you …
People avoid the dentist for a number of reasons: they’re anxious that they might need treatment and they’re afraid it will hurt; they have a fear of needles, dental drills, probes, gag reflex, or x-rays; …
Fluoride is an anion of the element fluorine. If flashing back to high school chemistry class gives you nightmares, just keep in mind that fluoride is found naturally in fresh water, salt water, and rain …
Brushing your teeth regularly is an important first step toward healthy teeth and gums. But it’s also important that you brush your ivories the right way. That means using the right toothbrush, using the right …
I’ll never stop talking about how important it is that you brush your teeth and floss and practice overall excellent oral hygiene. But I also have to admit that it’s not enough. No matter how …
There’s a battle taking place inside your mouth. It’s happening 24 hours a day, and it’s going to last your entire life. The enemy is dental plaque, and the only way to stop it is …
When we think of the consequences of poor oral hygiene, mostly what comes to mind are cavities and bad breath — or at the more extreme end, root canals and periodontitis. But there’s growing evidence …
Brushing your teeth is and will always be one of the most important things you can do for your oral health. That makes your toothbrush one of the most important tools you own. And everybody …